Jolly Holly Bouquet

  • Jolly Holly Bouquet
  • Jolly Holly Bouquet
  • Jolly Holly Bouquet
  • Jolly Holly Bouquet
  • Jolly Holly Bouquet
  • Jolly Holly Bouquet
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"Introducing the Jolly Holly Bouquet: six vibrant red roses nestled amidst delicate baby's breath and lush greenery, crafting a festive arrangement that embodies the spirit of Christmas cheer.

This bouquet isn't just a gift; it's a heartfelt tribute, a merry reminder of the joyous moments and special bonds shared during this wonderful Christmas season."

This item requires 1 days notice to order.

(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).

Price: £49.99

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